Building Services

The mission of the Building Services Division is to enforce the minimum standards of the Building Codes for all buildings and structures within the community.  This division provides reviewing, permitting, and inspection of all building construction, demolition, renovation, or remodeling in the city.


Please email permit applications, drawings, and engineering to  If you are unable to email your application you may deliver it to the city offices at 1555 South 800 West, Woods Cross, Utah. Offices are open 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Friday. If you have questions, please call 801-292-4421 x 2002.



Solar Installation applications must include fire marshal stamped plans and approval letter. Before sending a permit application to the city, please first obtain fire marshal approval. Please visit the South Davis Metro Fire Agency website here: South Davis Metro Fire Agency to submit an application for review. When you have received stamped plans and approval letter from the Fire Marshal, email the application and fire approval to for zoning and building code review.


Commercial permit applications for new buildings and TI's must be approved by the fire marshal before the permits can be issued. Please visit the South Davis Metro Fire Agency website at the link provided and submit an application for review South Davis Metro Fire Agency  When you have received fire marshal approval letter, please email it to to be included with your application for a building permit. NOTE: Permit and impact fees for new buildings must be paid by check or money order. Credit card payment is not available for new new-building permit fees.


 A building permit is required for all construction within the city, excluding the following:

  • One-story detached accessory buildings 200 square feet in size or less that meet the requirements of the Woods Cross City Zoning Ordinance.
  • Floor coverings (carpet, hardwood, etc.) for residential projects
  • Interior wall coverings (wallpaper, paint, paneling, etc.) for residential projects
  • Private fencing 6-feet or under that meets the requirements of the Woods Cross City Municipal Code. Fencing regulations can be found in Title 12 Chapter 28 of the Woods Cross City Zoning Ordinance. Zoning Ordinance
  • Flat cement work
  • Retaining walls under 4' in height 



Forms and Check-lists

Building Permit Application  


Owner/Builder Certification Form - (Required for all homeowners acting as general contractor.)


New Commercial Building Permit Submittal Checklist 


New Residential Building Permit Submittal Checklist


Basement Finish/Remodel Permits


Residential Detached Structures (Sheds, Garages, Pole Barns, etc)



Woods Cross City Building Permit Process 

Application Submittal:  Submit building permit application, construction drawings, and engineering by email to or deliver to the Woods Cross city offices at 1555 South 800 West, Woods Cross, Utah. 

Applications for large commercial and multi family residential projects are checked by the building official to ensure the application is complete (see plan submittal requirements below).This may require the contractor or architect  to meet with the building official. The appropriate person will be contacted by the building official if this is necessary. All commercial projects, must be reviewed by the South Davis Metro Fire Agency Fire Marshal. Drawings may be emailed to the Fire Marshal, Cole Fessler, If you are unable to provide plans in electronic format, please contact the fire marshal at 801-677-2400. 

Zoning Review:  Once it is determined that the application is complete, the application is submitted to the city for zoning approval. 

Plan Review: When zoning is approved, plans are given to the building official for plan review and calculation of building permit fees.  

Assessment of Fees: When plan review is complete, the application is forwarded back to the zoning division for assessment of impact fees, connection fees, and final approval of permit. 

If at any time during the process the plans are rejected, the applicant will be notified to make changes as needed.



Woods Cross City Land Development Ordinance