Justice Court




1555 S. 800 W.
Woods Cross, Utah
Phone: 801-677-1001

The Woods Cross Justice Court office hours are the following:

Monday through Thursday: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm 

Friday: by phone or email only, from 7:30 am to 11:30 am 


Judge: Bryan J. Memmott 

Court Administrator: Cyndi Coomer Smith  

Court Clerk: Sonia Kelley


Court is held-in person on Tuesday mornings.  Court is scheduled appearances only. Please contact a clerk to schedule your appearance.  


If you have had no moving violations during the past 12 months, you may be eligible for a Plea in Abeyance. A Plea in Abeyance is a way to keep the points from being reported to the Driver License Division. There is an additional fee of $25 for this option. If you are interested, please contact the court to see if you qualify.   


Online Payments: 

The court is unable to accept fine payments over the phone, You can pay your fine in person, by mail or online at www.utcourts.gov. You will need your citation number or case number to access your case online. Please check that the correct name has been located before paying your fine online. The will verify your payment posts to the correct case. 


State Uniform Bail Schedule

Speeding Bail Schedule

Utah Safety Council Defensive Driving Course