Garbage and Recycling Schedule

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2025 Recycling Schedule


Glass Recycling - Momentum Recycling has free glass drop-off locations. Click here to find the location nearest you.


Damaged trash, recycle, or green waste cans may be repaired or replaced, depending on level of damage. To be determined upon inspection by a Public Works employee. Requests may be submitted to, or calling 801-292-4421

Green Waste Can can be used as for general garbage during the following December, January and February.  

Learn more about Waste Management's RECYCLE OFTEN-RECYCLE RIGHT CAMPAIGN  

Monthly Waste Disposal at City Shop:  2287 South 1200 West (see map)  
Available on the 2nd Saturday of the following months:  March, May, June, July, August, September, November, 9 am - Noon. 
This is for non-hazardous items not normally picked up by regular, weekly trash pick-up.

E-waste and other household Hazardous Waste may be accepted at Wasatch Integrated Waste Management District.  1997 East 3500 North, Layton; visit Wasatch Integrated for detail, including hours of operation.

Green Waste is NOT accepted at the shops at any time.  All green yard waste can be taken to the Bountiful Landfill for a small fee.1300 West 1600 North, West Bountiful, Utah