


Woods Cross City Statements on the Railroad Quiet Zone


Updated January 9 , 2025 

During the holidays, staff from North Salt Lake (NSL), Salt Lake City (SLC) and Woods Cross, continued to pursue remedies to reinstate the 49-mile-long quiet zone.

The Salt Lake City and North Salt Lake waivers that have been submitted to the FRA can be viewed at: and

Interested parties may submit written views, data, or comments until January 21, 2025 at: by clicking on the gray “Comment” box in the lower right hand corner of the notice box (see red arrow in image below).

In consideration of the FRA regulations, the waivers will be asking that trains continue sounding horns only at the NSL Main Street and SLC 1000 W industrial crossings until the gate arms are installed by Union Pacific and to allow the quiet zone to be reinstated at all other crossings in the quiet zone.

The FRA has offered remedies for these two crossings until the gate arms are installed that include 1. Closing the road that crosses the tracks by digging up and removing the road and crossing panels on each side of the tracks; or 2. Paying for certified flaggers to stop traffic and monitor safety at the crossing (24/7/365 or as needed).

However, because NSL and SLC would have to pay these expenses that are estimated to start at $300,000 per year or more, in addition to the cost of the gate arm projects, both cities are evaluating these alternatives as it relates to the use of taxpayer dollars.

Our Utah Representatives and Senators continue to monitor this issue and are offering staff support to find a remedy. We appreciate the dedicated men and women that are working collaboratively to comply with Federal Railroad Administration regulations for safety and the common good created by quiet zones. The tragic accident on Brightline train hit a firetruck that had entered a closed crossing, injuring three firefighters and at least a dozen others, is one example of the importance of following train safety signals.


Overview Woods Cross City has two wood frame, metal outbuildings  located at 1351 S 1500 S, in Woods Cross, Utah for salvage to the qualified party in an effort to put the materials to beneficial use rather than send them to the landfill. Completed proposals must be received no later than February 5, 2025 3:00 PM and delivered via email to: Sam Christiansen. See full details.


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