Welcome to the Soil Subsidence Information Hub

                Reports                              Farm Meadows CRA                                     Current Funding Cycle


In the latter part of 2015 the City became aware of subsidence in the Farm Meadows Subdivision. The City proceeded with a thorough investigation to identify the cause and extent of the structural distress initially observed in the subdivision. The reports section contains the findings of the investigation along with other pertain reports.

In the summer of 2018 the City created the Farm Meadows Community Reinvestment Area (CRA).  The purpose of creating this CRA was to provide an opportunity for the City's Redevelopment Agency to assist homeowners address  the damage done to their homes caused by the subsidence.  The Farm Meadows CRA section provides information on the CRA.

The Redevelopment Agency Board has some funding available to provide assistance to homeowners.  The Board has adopted guidelines for funding. The Current Funding Cycle section provides more information on the application process.


FY 2024 Subsidence FA Application

City Administrator Update August 2022 


For more information please email Bryce Haderlie, City Administrator